Top 5 New Feautures of Android 'O'


1.Whole New Settings App


It is the actual big redesign beacuse the new settings app is a lot cleaner now. Its a lot simpler looking and its much shorter listed and now the sidebar menu is gone and some of the options like storage information readout looks a lot cleaner

2.Refreshed Notification Panel

This reveals the battery percentage with one swipe instead of two. I really like this feature and i bet you like it too. Then you can do a half swipe over a notification to snooze notifications from that specific app

3.Customisation With Navigation Buttons

This helps us to choose between compact which puts them all on middle or a left leaning or right leaning set of buttons. So people with big phones and small hands will find it easier to navigate 

4.Contextually Aware Text Slection Dialog

Guys when we select a plain text you get a few options like copy,cut,paste etc. When this selector is contextually aware, say while selecting an address a google map link appears and you could go right into the maps without any further steps.
It also comsists of phone.. and a few other

5.Lock Screen Customization

This lies in the system UI tuner. Which is a new feature added with Marshmellow. But its hidden like the developers option.when you unhide this option it makes it easy it is all about the lock screen shortcut customization by using this option you can customize those options which appear on the lock screen to pretty much anything you want
